OUR GOAL is to find the world's best agricultural technologies, test them in Ukrainian conditions and adopt the most effective options to achieve better results per hectare and simultaneous improvement of soil quality for Ukrainian producers.
OUR PRIORITIES are to improve the stability of own business and the business of our partners, to promote Ukrainian agricultural production within foreign markets and to help save the environment.
OUR STRATEGY is business development across the whole value chain, from seed production and inventory supply to direct agricultural production, development of agricultural infrastructure and logistics. We are establishing partnerships with farmers, international traders and processors of agricultural products in order to increase efficiency across the chain.
Bread Basket of Europe finally becomes a highly competitive country, on which hopes the whole world.
Agriculture is one of main sectors of Ukrainian economy. But today is not just pumping out resources, it"s high-tech business, integrated into global food security system.
All our actions and decisions are about achieving success of Ukraine in global agricultural market. Being 100% Ukrainian company, we employ best professionals from USA, Canada, Europe and Israel. We use advanced technology in order to reach first class level for Ukrainian agricultural production.
We are constantly working with consultants from the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Israel and the USA to ensure the very best service. Our specialists understand the particular problems faced by Ukrainian farmers and the opportunities offered by Western solutions, which means that our clients benefit from our practical experience and global expertise.
We adapt the best American and European technologies to suit the realities of Ukrainian farming: weather conditions, soil varieties etc. That"s why our technologies and practices are available to every farmer. You can see the improvements we make to our technologies and implement these changes in your business.
ATK has its own infrastructure, which is modern even by European standards. We take responsibility for the quality of every one of our products, managing the process from seed selection to plant growth to produce storage.